15-35 Viking Lane

Toronto, ON M9B 0A4

Condo Apt

This Viking Lane Condo Report is based upon all Activity since June 1 2021 to October 13 of this year. All bedrooms and maintance fees are includes so you can compare . We can send you a link for the online version or pdf by email.


How's the Market?

Kathy and Lauren Gordon

Mar, 12 2025

There are only 4 properties available on the market at this time.

Of the properties that have been newly listed, 88.89% have sold as we have seen 32 of the 36 listings sell. At this time, no other sales have occurred. We have seen 11 properties sell for above the value that they were listed at and 17 properties sell for under the value that they were listed at while 4 properties have sold at their asking price. There has been an average sales price of $662,688 which is a 0.49% decrease from the MLS® wide year-to-date average sales price of $665,920. The median sales price is $645,500 and has decreased by 28.44% when compared to the MLS® wide year-to-date median sales price of $902,050. As of now, the total sales volume is $21,206,000. However, there has also been an MLS® wide year-to-date total sales volume of $144,314,287,780. Right now, we are seeing an average days on market of 19, a median days on market of 10, an average asking to selling ratio of 1.0095 and a median asking to selling ratio of 0.9986.


Metric Breakdowns

Below are the key metrics in your report.

Average Price
Median Price
Highest Price
Lowest Price

The average sale price of all properties that have been sold is $662,688

The average sale price per interior square foot per of all properties that have been sold is $789.06

Living Costs


How much is the cost of living in your area? Calculate your mortgage, property tax, insurance and utility expenses using the form below.

per month
Principal & Interest
Maintenance Fees
Property taxes
Home insurance

All Listings

Below is a list of all listings that your agent has included in the report. These listings are used to calculate the various metrics and statistics throughout the report.





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This information may be downloaded and printed in the provided format. However, the information may not be sold, license distributed, reproduced or otherwise used for commercial purposes, except with the express written permission of the Association. All data from the Multiple Listing Service® System. Data is refreshed regularly to capture changes in market activity so figures shown may be different than previously reported. Powered by Trenlii.